2022-04-11 10:32:15
Linda Smart Technologies Zrt. was established

As a founder with qualified influence, our company established a new spin-off company, which is how Linda Smart Technologies Zrt. was created, which will take over the development of building automation products and the provision of services from April 2023.

2022-04-05 13:54:02
Renewed microsite of our Linda Smart Vision system has been completed

Linda Smart Vision intelligent building and industrial monitoring system is equipped with built-in energy report manager and additional freely programmable functions has got her own website based on the experience of the systems introduced in the last 2 years.

2019-05-10 12:45:07
Our central address has changed!

We inform our kind partners that our central address has changed. Our new address is President Center, 1054 Budapest, Kálmán Imre u. 1. We kindly ask you to send all your mails to the address above.

It is important that the address of our Development Centre is unchanged, so there has been no change in the management of the packages sent to us and in the site of our trainings.